The fall festival in Medford, OR had a bounce dragon. They kids had a blast. Even though the dragon went half flat after a while, the kids were troopers and played anyways.

The Marshall in action. I wish they would've let me get in there with him so I could've enjoyed this with them. I did ask, they said no. Maybe it's time for a diet for mom??

This is the face that gets me every time. I don't know what it is about it, but it makes me want to pick him up squeeze him.
On a side note, the week on week off custody thing really sucks sometimes. A break is nice for anyone, but seven days is way too long. I go crazy after my first night without them. I find myself finding ways I can see them at their school during dad's weeks. Lately, I haven't been doing that because it's caused both of them to become emotional and then I feel like I ruined their day. Once they see me, there's that glimmer of hope in their eyes that I'm picking them up and then I have to crush that. It just breaks my heart.
I love you both to infinity and beyond.