Dear Prince Charming,
Since Mady is convinced that you and I are destined to be together, I thought I'd write you to see how life is in the kingdom and find out how much distress your damsel needs to be in before you'll come save her.
Last night as I slept, my dreams were filled with preparing for when you ride in on your white horse, scoop me up and whisk me into the sunset. To be quite honest, I don't care what color your horse is.
You're always faceless in my dreams. Mady isn't quite sure what color your hair is, but assures me it will be flowing and pretty. She also promises me that I'll see a twinkle in your eye and I will know that it's you.
I know the time is not quite right for you to make your appearance yet as I'm so busy, but I eagerly look forward to our happily ever after.
Love your princess-in-training,