Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Locks of Love in Pictures!!

A December Blessing


One year ago today I was given an opportunity that most parents are not. I was given my daughter 12 weeks early. This means that I was given time to watch what normally occurs in utero happen right before my eyes. Granted, I would've much rather had her finish out her term inside me, but she was eager to see the world.



Mady tipped the scales at 2lbs 11.5 oz and was 15 inches long. The lowest weight she was at was 2lbs 6oz. By Christmas time, Mady was almost 3 lbs.


As the New Year came, Mady continued to grow. Normally, you'll take one step forward and two back. That's just the way preemies are. Not this one. This was one room air from day two and never went back. This one started taking a bottle at 3-4 weeks old or 31-32 weeks gestation.



As 2001 began, Mady was determined to come home before her March 3rd due date. After 42 days in the NICU, it was time to go home. Mady was one of the lucky few who found growing and eating to be a breeze. Coming home after only 6 weeks was 6 weeks earlier than we expected. They contributed her coming home so early to the fact that I was there endlessly. I never came back to Klamath until she was ready to come home from RVMC. Collin came over every day he was off. I am so proud that he and I working together brought that little girl home healthy and ahead of schedule.



Mady is an amazingly bright and loving little girl. She's very naive to the real world and lives in fairytale land, but I love that. She has plenty of time to learn about all the horrible things out there in this world. Right now, she just needs to enjoy being a kid. Today, Mady will cut off over 10 inches of her hair to donate to Locks of Love. It's a very bittersweet day. I looooove those long locks so much, but I know there are others who will love them so much more than I could ever imagine. I will post pictures of that tonight.


Happy Birthday Princess Madysen

Love always,

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Mmmmm Taste like Chicken

I love December because of moments like these.....

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Lions, Tigers and Presents.... OH MY!!

I love December because of moments like these..

Monday, December 1, 2008

Sealed with a Bow...

I love December because of moments like these.....

Sunday, November 30, 2008

The End of the Road...

Today is the final day of the NaBloPoMo challenge. During this challenge, you're required to post everyday about any topic. I had a blast. I'm going to look into more ways that I can stay motivated while posting. While I think I only have a few people looking at my blog, I love to keep a journal that my kids and grand kids can read someday. I've never felt like much of a writer, but I think I could develop into a phenomenal one when I have the time. Next month is December. It's my favorite month of the year and I can't wait to post pictures and tidbits of info on our lives.

Until next month....

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Friday, November 28, 2008

A walk down memory beach..

This is Mady and I at the beach in 2003. I became pregnant with Marshall this month. We had a great time visiting with my best friend from grade school, Lily. I can't wait to get to Montana to see her and her growing family. :)

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

A Thank You

The below is a thank you from Mr. Nielson on behalf of him and Nie Nie. I pray everyday for their speedy recoveries. They are amazing people!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Pumpkin Pie

Today we enjoyed a Thanksgiving feast in Mady's class room, even Marshall came for some pumpkin pie!!

The princess and I!!

Mady snapped this photo of me eating some honeydew. :)

Monday, November 24, 2008


I had an awesome night at cards. I should be in the top 20 now and on my way to a shot in Vegas!

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Happy 5th Birthday

My baby boy officially turned 5 today. Time has gone by WAY too quickly.

Happy birthday, Marshall. I love you infinity and beyond!

Saturday, November 22, 2008


We're heading out of town to see family to celebrate Marshall's birthday weekend. Have an awesome Saturday all.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Superheroes take over Preschool..

Marshall loved his Spiderman cupcake cake!!

Superheroes took over Marshall's preschool class in honor of his 5th birthday this Sunday. We had a blast celebrating!!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

An update on The Neilsons

Click here for the latest on The Neilson's who were in a very serious plane crash in August.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Mom, I'm a pilgrum...

Today was my son's Pilgrim (or Pilgrum) play as he calls it. He was so handsome and did such a good job. I couldn't be prouder. :)

How lucky am I that I got to sit next to such a beautiful little girl?? I was so happy to see them since this week is their week at dad's house.

My pilgrum and I....Seriously, he says it so CUTE!!

Marshall's whole class. They divide in half to learn, but do lots of group activities. We invited all 20 kids to Marshall's party on Saturday. Let's hope they don't all show up or Mommy might go crazy!! :)

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

He Rocks My Socks!!

He rocks them so much that I walked holes through them trying to find him...

Monday, November 17, 2008

Good Night

I met a new boy.. not really new.. but someone that I hadn't seen in a while.

He's very similar to my prince charming.. only blonde..

I'll tell you about my adventure and walking holes in my socks tomorrow..

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Smashing Pumpkins

Today was a bright and sunny day. We enjoyed it by smashing our rotting pumpkins!!

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Friday, November 14, 2008

A Moment of Tenderness..

"There is an enduring tenderness in the love of a mother to a son that transcends all other affections of the heart." – Washington Irving , writer

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Thinking of you..

To: You

It's amazing how a chance encounter has you entering my thoughts often. A small talk conversation has my mind racing. You're gorgeous, your smile is charming.. I think your eyes may even sparkle. Something right out of a fairy tale...

You have my number.


The Age of Innocence

The local rock station was playing at the store we stopped at today. The song Get Stoned by Hinder came on. Here is a snip of the lyrics that were over heard:

"Let's go home and get stoned
We could end up makin love instead of misery
Go home and get stoned."

My almost eight year old first born says, "Why would anyone want to go home and have rocks thrown at them?" I must've looked at her like a confused dog. She then said, "You know, because getting stoned means having rocks thrown at you."

The innocence of children is so amazing.....

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Sick Days Bring Appreciation

The last few days have been full of sick kiddos and a very worn out mom. I thought of Stephanie (http://www.nieniedialogues.blogspot.com/). She posted a blog one day in Nov of 2007, a blog that I thought of very often the last few days. You can read it by clicking here.

If you don't know Stephanie's story and you haven't read her blogs, you're missing out on a very precious and rare gem. At such a young age, she is full of so much love, warmth and fun. She and her husband were in a plane crash in August of this year. She is still in the hospital, but is recovering very well considering the circumstances.

Despite the fact that I was beyond tired, I took the time to cherish the kids, to hold them tighter, to mug them endlessly. (Read Stephanie's blogs to learn about a mug.) Regardless of the messes I cleaned up or the nights I spent awake and cuddled close by, I appreciated every second of it because there are those that aren't as fortunate. I'm sure there's no place Stephanie would rather be right now than cuddled close to her family and her dear Mr. Nielson, even on sick days like these.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Thank you, Veterans....

Veteran’s Day Tribute

When America had an urgent need,
These brave ones raised a hand;
No hesitation held them back;
They were proud to take a stand.
They left their friends and family;
They gave up normal life;
To serve their country and their God,
They plowed into the strife.
They fought for freedom and for peace
On strange and foreign shores;
Some lost new friends; some lost their lives
In long and brutal wars.
Other veterans answered a call
To support the ones who fought;
Their country had requirements for
The essential skills they brought.
We salute each and every one of them,
The noble and the brave,
The ones still with us here today,
And those who rest in a grave.
So here’s to our country’s heroes;
They’re a cut above the rest;
Let’s give the honor that is due
To our country’s very best.

By Joanna Fuchs

Monday, November 10, 2008

Random Act of Violence???

I awoke this morning to find that someone decided to throw light bulbs at the back of my car while I spent my evening tending to a very sick daughter. I really appreciate that. It's nice to know that while I'm in my warm house, taking care of my loves, being sick myself, someone decided to throw light bulbs at my car. How mature??? The one problem???? I have full coverage insurance, thank goodness!!!

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Work at Home Position Vol. 1

ACD Direct is a company that takes pledge calls for PBS. I have worked from them, so I know they are legit. Check them out here: https://www.acddirect.com/

Saturday, November 8, 2008

How easy it is...

Amidst the chaos of this world, there are children surrounding us who genuinely just want to enjoy growing up. Amidst the chaos of this world, it's easy for us, as adults, to forget what that carefree time in life felt like. If you take the time to think back, I'm certain most of you will find some of the best days of your life.

Our children are pieces of us. They develop certain mannerisms that we have, say things that we say, do things that we do. Cue the old phrase, "Monkey see, Monkey do." How you live your life now does affect your children. If you let stress conquer you, your kids will feel it. They are such smart creatures. They deserve to have a happy childhood. They deserve to enjoy every minute of it. Don't rob them of that by letting your own unhappiness, your own struggles in life transform you into an unhappy person. Delight yourself with the small things in life. Look around you, your kids bright smiley faces are the only source of happiness that you will ever really need.

When I look at my daughter I see myself...only better.
-- Author Unknown

A child reminds us that playtime is an essential part of our daily routine.
-- Anonymous

Friday, November 7, 2008

Peaceful Slumbers & Happy Birthday Square!!

There was never a child so lovely but his mother was glad to get him to sleep. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

A little girl is sugar and spice and everything nice - especially when she's taking a nap. ~Author Unknown