Work at Home List Information


I'm a 30 year-old Work at Home Mom.  I started working from home after the birth of my daughter in 2000.  The first year was spent doing every scam out there because I was not aware of where to go or who to turn to for help.  I lost valuable time and a lot of money.  In 2002, I started to find other moms like myself and we went on a mission to find legit work at home jobs.  By the end of that year, I had one.  Since then, I have never been without a WAH job for more than 30 days.  I have made $1,000 per month up to $4,000 per month and everything in-between, depending on the job I was doing and the hours I was committing.  What you will make will vary, but there are legit ways to bring an income in for your family all from the comfort of your own home.  The best part is the flexibility of working your schedule around the other schedules of those in your family.  I very rarely miss any school activity that my three older children have.

There are various types of work at home jobs out there.  Many will claim to be jobs, but are merely home businesses where you sell something to get a profit.  All jobs that will be listed here are legit.  If I have had personal experience, I will share that.  If I ever posted a lead here that I'm unsure of, I will let you know.  If I ever hear any negative feedback, I will let you know that as well.  I will be doing my best to add new jobs weekly.

When my colleagues and I start our new website, you will also be given access to that for free, which is probably going to run new members $30.  That will launch in May 2012 or earlier. 

Remember, I will always be available to answer questions via email and often times can offer phone and or web support as well.

To get access to the list, please contact me at