One year ago today I was given an opportunity that most parents are not. I was given my daughter 12 weeks early. This means that I was given time to watch what normally occurs in utero happen right before my eyes. Granted, I would've much rather had her finish out her term inside me, but she was eager to see the world.

Mady tipped the scales at 2lbs 11.5 oz and was 15 inches long. The lowest weight she was at was 2lbs 6oz. By Christmas time, Mady was almost 3 lbs.

As the New Year came, Mady continued to grow. Normally, you'll take one step forward and two back. That's just the way preemies are. Not this one. This was one room air from day two and never went back. This one started taking a bottle at 3-4 weeks old or 31-32 weeks gestation.

As 2001 began, Mady was determined to come home before her March 3rd due date. After 42 days in the NICU, it was time to go home. Mady was one of the lucky few who found growing and eating to be a breeze. Coming home after only 6 weeks was 6 weeks earlier than we expected. They contributed her coming home so early to the fact that I was there endlessly. I never came back to Klamath until she was ready to come home from RVMC. Collin came over every day he was off. I am so proud that he and I working together brought that little girl home healthy and ahead of schedule.

Mady is an amazingly bright and loving little girl. She's very naive to the real world and lives in fairytale land, but I love that. She has plenty of time to learn about all the horrible things out there in this world. Right now, she just needs to enjoy being a kid. Today, Mady will cut off over 10 inches of her hair to donate to Locks of Love. It's a very bittersweet day. I looooove those long locks so much, but I know there are others who will love them so much more than I could ever imagine. I will post pictures of that tonight.

Happy Birthday Princess Madysen
Love always,